OK, gente. Uma semana já no desafio de 30 dias de loucura, digo, 30 dias sem açúcar. As vozes na minha cabeça dizem que eu vou ficar bem, apesar de estar sentindo cheiro de azul e gosto de amarelo.
Brincadeiras à parte, estou sobrevivendo e descobrindo MUITAS coisas interessantes. Uma delas é alfarroba, primo bastardo do chocolate que é natualmente doce – receitinha amanhã. Perdi quase 1 quilo. Teria sido 1 quilo inteiro se eu não tivesse compensado a ânsia de comer comendo as coisas permitidas.
Mas depois de um feriado de 4 dias em um apartamento com 4 crianças, eu precisava de algo para entorpecer o cansaço da “folga” e não tinha fruta, verdura nem nada permitido/saudável na geladeira. E eu tomei um gole de refrigerante. E uma jujuba de Delikets. E um, tá bom… 2 quadradinhos de Alpino. E um punhado daqueles confeitos de coração que sobraram do bolo piñata. E uma xícara (de cafezinho) de Chococcino (Dolce Gusto) que o cônjuge me trouxe no desespero porque viu a alegria se esvair do meu olhar.
Como disse o filósofo, “merda acontece”.
Hoje eu me sinto horrível. Sério. Fisicamente falando. Parece que estou de ressaca e TPM ao mesmo tempo. Mas vou voltar ao desafio e ver no que dá.
Enquanto eu vou ali comprar mais alfarroba para fazer o post de amanhã, vamos ficar com as 25 dicas da revista Cupcake Heaven para cupcakes perfeitos.
- Usar ingredientes de boa qualidade fazem toda a diferença.
- Verifique a validade dos ingredientes. Fermento velho não funciona tão bem como um novo.
- Sempre leia a receita com atenção antes do preparo.
- Mantenha-se organizado e cuidado com a higiene.
- É muito mais fácil trabalhar com ingredientes à temperatura ambiente.
- Pré-aqueça o forno. Sempre.
- Conheça o seu forno. Saiba quando é hora de aumentar a temperatura.
- Pese ou meça os ingredientes com cuidado. Colher de sopa é diferente de colher de chá.
- Adicione os ingredientes aos poucos. Empelotar a massa não vai ajudar em nada.
- Não bata a massa demais. Você só precisa que os ingredientes fiquem misturados e não unidos pra toda eternidade.
- Ao combinar ingredientes líquidos com secos, inicie e termine com os secos.
- Não encha demais as forminhas de papel. O máximo é 2/3 ou 3/4 dependendo do crescimento da massa.
- Para cupcakes uniformes, use uma colher de sorvete ou uma xícara medidora de 1/4 de xícara.
- Asse os cupcake no centro do forno. Tanto lateral como verticalmente.
- Não abra a porta do forno antes de 2/3 do tempo indicado de cozimento.
- Cupcakes estão prontos quando ficam dourados e ao toque retornam a posição original.
- Não deixe cupcakes na assadeira quando os tirar do forno. Eles continuam a assar.
- Para que esfriem mais rápidos, coloque os cupcakes em cima de uma grade que não fique tão perto da mesa/superfície.
- Espere os cupcakes esfriarem para começar a decorar.
- Se estiver sentindo grãos de açúcar na cobertura, continue batendo até que a textura mude.
- Para evitar sujeira, coloque o saco de confeitar dentro de uma jarra, dobre a parte de cima para fora da jarra (como se você estivesse revestindo o copo/jarra) e coloque a cobertura.
- Se você cobrir todo o topo do cupcake, ele permanecerá úmido por mais tempo.
- Se for usar pasta americana ou outras decorações, prepare-as antes de assar os bolinhos.
- Armazene-os corretamente, depois de frios e decorados. As melhores embalagens são de papelão, pois absorvem a umidade. As de plástico retém umidade e podem fazer as forminhas soltarem.
- Coma-os no tempo certo. Para um melhor resultado, consuma-os em 48 horas.
Vocês tem alguma dica?
Oi Angel,
No item 12 vc. diz para encher as forminhas com 1/3 ou 1/4 da massa. Eu pensei que fossem 2/3 ou 2/4 da massa, dependendo do quanto ela cobre. Então venho fazendo errado 🙁
E era, Regina. A falta de açúcar tá afetando minhas habilidades. Já corrigi!
Ahahahaha! Pelo jeito a coisa está séria mesmo!! Já estou ficando com dó de você. Beijosss
A dica 24 me surpreendeu!!! Eu estou na maior guerra com mini cupcakes que soltam a forminha de um dia para o outro, mas eu SEMPRE guardo em embalagens de plástico kkkkkk!!!
Nada como o conhecimento, né?
Obrigada! Suas dicas são ótimas ?!
Silmara, elas abafam o cupcake aí a umidade toma conta de faz bobagem nas forminhas 🙂
Oi Angel!! Eu assino uma caixa de produtos naturais e mês retrasado veio um pote dessa alfarroba. Confesso que nem abri ainda. Primeiro por não conhecer, embora tenha vindo dicas de consumo. Outra porque fiquei com medo de comer por estar amamentando. Como vc consome? Pura? A minha é em pó. Acho que esse é um assunto pra outo post né? Rsrsrsrs. Bem adorei as dicas. A da colher de sopa é ótima. Sempre vou no olhômetro kkkkk. Armazeno sempre em uma embalagem pra bolos, daquelas quadradas com tampa. Mas é de plástico rsrsrs. Bom nunca é tarde pra aprender né? Bjs.
Até agora já usei em vitaminas, sorvete e bolo. Usei como se fosse chocolate comum. A minha veio em pó também, Thais.
Olá Angélica, obrigada por compartilhar suas experiências aqui no blog, elas têm me ajudado muito. Sou apaixonada por doces e sempre recebo muitos elogios pelos mesmos, minha família tem um sítio produtor de café e faremos uma festa para celebrar a colheita, eles pediram para que eu fizesse alguns doces que levassem café (já havia feito bolos e cupcakes e foram sucesso!) o que me assusta na realidade é fazer em quantidades maiores, que cuidados tomar, como calcular a quantidade de doces baseada na quantidade de pessoas que receberemos, o que posso fazer adiantado e o que deixo para fazer no dia que for servido. O que você me aconselha?
Isabelly, essa semana falamos de congelar cupcakes, mas temos também dicas de armazenamento: http://doce.blog.br/dicas/como-armazenar-congelar-e-descongelar-cupcakes
Jackpot City platform is operated by Digimedia Limited Company and falls under the
jurisdiction of Malta. Jackpot City license has
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services provided. In addition, the casino is certified by eCOGRA, an international
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Jackpot City plays the ball with Microgaming, a far-famed gambling developer that produces top class
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money in as little as a couple of minutes.
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Bonus policy
Jackpot City sticks to advanced reward policy,
though the conditions may differ from a state to state.
One of the most widely spread bonuses provided by
the company represents a $500 reward (or other currency).
The bonus is granted partially with the first and the second
Permit to operate a casino in the Maltese authorities received on gambling
. Software Spinpalace Casino was developed by Microgaming, Systems Ltd, which has also been awarded various awards
. Of course, it does not cause any quality claims.
Bright clear graphics , fast work and great sound accompany each open page or game.
To start playing at the casino need to determine the version that will be a game.
The visitor can download the casino and play directly on the site .
Many players appear first preferred Jackpotcity
Jackpot City platform is operated by Digimedia Limited Company and falls
under the jurisdiction of Malta. Jackpot City license has been issued business by the governmental LGC agency.
The IGC (Interactive Gaming Council) code adoption guarantees the
services provision transparency and the high level of services provided.
In addition, the casino is certified by eCOGRA,
an international non-profit organization created to maintain ‘fair play’ in gambling industry.
Play now
Software & Services
Jackpot City plays the ball with Microgaming, a far-famed gambling developer that produces top class games boasting great
graphics, excellent functionality and extremely user-friendly design. Jackpot City
has been translated into 17 languages with calculation options in 7 currencies.
The process of installing and setting up a client is definitely a no-brainer: plunge into the world
of excitement and money in as little as a couple of
Jackpot City offers a huge selection of games with
the total amount exceeding four hundreed, while the collection is updated on a constant basis.
Besides the most popular games, one can enjoy a variety of quite exotic
games; additionally, there are 20+ slot machines locked’n’loaded with progressive jackpots, sometimes reaching colossal proportions.
An overwhelming majority of games is packed with automatic modes.
Moreover, the casino organizes tournaments with impressive
prizes on a regular basis.
Bonus policy
Jackpot City sticks to advanced reward policy, though the conditions may differ from a state to state.
One of the most widely spread bonuses provided by the company represents a $500
reward (or other currency). The bonus is granted partially with the first and the second
Permit to operate a casino in the Maltese authorities received on gambling .
Software Spinpalace Casino was developed by Microgaming,
Systems Ltd, which has also been awarded various awards .
Of course, it does not cause any quality claims. Bright clear
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To start playing at the casino need to determine the version that will be a
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Jackpot City platform is operated by Digimedia Limited Company and falls under the jurisdiction of Malta.
Jackpot City license has been issued business by the governmental LGC agency.
The IGC (Interactive Gaming Council) code adoption guarantees the services provision transparency and the high level of services provided.
In addition, the casino is certified by eCOGRA, an international
non-profit organization created to maintain ‘fair play’ in gambling industry.
Play now
Software & Services
Jackpot City plays the ball with Microgaming, a
far-famed gambling developer that produces top class games boasting great graphics, excellent functionality and extremely user-friendly design. Jackpot
City has been translated into 17 languages with calculation options in 7 currencies.
The process of installing and setting up a client is definitely a no-brainer:
plunge into the world of excitement and money in as little as a couple of minutes.
Jackpot City offers a huge selection of games
with the total amount exceeding four hundreed,
while the collection is updated on a constant basis.
Besides the most popular games, one can enjoy a variety of quite
exotic games; additionally, there are 20+ slot machines locked’n’loaded with progressive jackpots, sometimes
reaching colossal proportions. An overwhelming majority of games is packed with automatic modes.
Moreover, the casino organizes tournaments with impressive prizes on a
regular basis.
Bonus policy
Jackpot City sticks to advanced reward policy, though the conditions may differ
from a state to state. One of the most widely spread bonuses provided by
the company represents a $500 reward (or other currency).
The bonus is granted partially with the first and the second deposits.
Permit to operate a casino in the Maltese authorities received on gambling .
Software Spinpalace Casino was developed by Microgaming, Systems Ltd, which has also been awarded various awards .
Of course, it does not cause any quality claims.
Bright clear graphics , fast work and great sound accompany each open page or game.
To start playing at the casino need to determine the
version that will be a game. The visitor can download the casino and play directly
on the site . Many players appear first preferred Jackpotcity
Jackpot City platform is operated by Digimedia Limited Company and falls under the jurisdiction of Malta.
Jackpot City license has been issued business by the governmental LGC agency.
The IGC (Interactive Gaming Council) code adoption guarantees the
services provision transparency and the high level of services provided.
In addition, the casino is certified by eCOGRA,
an international non-profit organization created to maintain ‘fair play’ in gambling industry.
Play now
Software & Services
Jackpot City plays the ball with Microgaming, a far-famed gambling developer that produces
top class games boasting great graphics, excellent functionality
and extremely user-friendly design. Jackpot City has been translated into 17 languages with calculation options
in 7 currencies. The process of installing and setting up a client is definitely a no-brainer: plunge into the world of excitement and money in as little as a couple of minutes.
Jackpot City offers a huge selection of games with the total amount exceeding four hundreed, while the collection is
updated on a constant basis. Besides the most popular
games, one can enjoy a variety of quite exotic games; additionally, there are 20+ slot machines locked’n’loaded with progressive jackpots,
sometimes reaching colossal proportions. An overwhelming majority of games
is packed with automatic modes. Moreover, the casino organizes tournaments with impressive prizes on a regular basis.
Bonus policy
Jackpot City sticks to advanced reward policy, though the conditions may
differ from a state to state. One of the most widely
spread bonuses provided by the company represents a $500 reward (or
other currency). The bonus is granted partially with the first and the second deposits.
Permit to operate a casino in the Maltese authorities
received on gambling . Software Spinpalace Casino was developed by Microgaming, Systems Ltd, which has also been awarded various awards .
Of course, it does not cause any quality claims.
Bright clear graphics , fast work and great sound accompany each open page
or game. To start playing at the casino need to determine the
version that will be a game. The visitor can download the casino and play directly on the site .
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Casino bonuses for Canadian players – Exclusive
A self-respecting online gambling service in Canada
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Typically, a player is offered a particular amount of in-game money to increase the chances for
One of the most widely spread reward methods is multiplying the
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A huge welcome bonus amount: the casino replenishes your account with an impressive sum of
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your account with a considerable amount as well ($1,000+).
A series of bonuses: thus, an account can be replenished with a bonus amount proportionally to the sums deposited (therefore, in some cases the
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100% on the first X deposits: the X value may differ from
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